According to a CNN report, residents in Gulfport were told they did not need flood insurance. Unfortunately, last week's flooding in Illinois and several other states has left many residents high and dry when it comes to recovering their belongings.
Read the report at: www.cnn.com/2008/US/06/24/mattingly.flood.insurance/index.html
My heart goes out to these people, it really does. Natural disasters are terrible. However if you live next to a levee and don’t have flood insurance your an idiot. I mean come on people what are you thinking?
Anytime anything happens, people always have to blame someone else for it. You can’t blame mother nature, and just because someone didn’t FORCE you to buy flood insurance, and you were not smart enough to do so...well tough luck. The tax payers should have to bail you out.
I’ve never had a fire burn down my house, and neither has anyone in my family. In over 100 years, the house my folks live in has never burned down….so why should I have fire insurance ??? ….dumb dumb dumb way to think…but some people do and then cry because they didn’t have insurance.
I would agree. People are always looking for someone to blame. All they really need is a mirror. "No one told me I needed Flood insurance". I would ask them well who did you pay to determine if you should have it. I bet the answer would come back as "No one". A home is the largest personal investment a person will make yet we are always looking for the lowest payment and the lowest closing costs. You would think that folks living near levees would have become more conscious after the flood of '93 and then again with Katrina. These are not examples of a natural disaster. It is mans failed attempt to control nature. It begs the question how could you possibly not know you were at risk?
Gotta agree with both posts and add some thoughts as to WHY people don't think to take care of themselves. It's the Democratic state of mind to expect that you can do nothing for yourself and the government will take care of you despite the consequences of stupid choices you make.
This country was built by people who took care of THEMSELVES and others. The founding fathers didn't expect the government to take care of them. If their house burned down, they built another. If their neighbor's house burned down, they helped him build another. Think Amish barn raisings.
Dependency on an ever-increasing government will bring this country to its knees quickly. Watch out if Obama gets elected. A total economic collapse for the country can't be far behind with his Marxist ideas put into action.
That area flooded badly in 1993 and parts of the area were then turned into parks and areas where you couldn't build. Some people were bought out. That should be an indication that flooding could happen again. You either move or stay and buy flood insurance. The people who didn't buy insurance did so at their own risk. I believe this flood was considered more than a 100-year flood. For the most part mid-westerners acted better than those who were in Katrina. You could see people helping people whenever pictures were shown. I suppose there has to be a few who want to blame someone other than themselves and expect to have everything replaced for free. It's a tragedy whenever nature causes events such as these and those involved should be helped all they can to get back on their feet. Bet it is not FEMA's fault. Be glad we have FEMA and the Red Cross.
I work in the insurance industry for 20+ years (I am licensed). I am not aware of coverage for a cresting river or water rising breaking a dam. If you live in a state that is a high risk for flooding by living near a river than can rise up and crest. Then maybe that state does offer coverage, but I doubt it. I don't know of any insurance covering these types of situations. Flood Insurance was designed to protect a structure and contents if purchased from "Driven rains that rise up and lay dormant like a river". I live in Florida and a heavy rain here can create a lake in a street rising underneath doors of homes.
I wish people including the media would get their facts straight before they have the world going crazy about something that doesn't exist for them anyway. The blame game goes on...so let's blame FEMA. People need to become educated by asking these questions to their insurance agents so their won't be surprises.
After the 1993 flood the government (we the taxpayers) are buying up land to return it to park & undeveloped areas? How was it allowed to be developed in the first place? The Army Corps of Engineers & FEMA need to declare federal moritoriums on development in flood plains. Greedy developers can always pay off local governments & zoning boards to satisfy there need to build. People will always filter out what they want to hear. (I'm living on a flood plain but someone says I don't need flood insurance...) We need to protect them from their own stupidity. When the inevitable happens they expect us to bail them out of the consequences of their foolishness.
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