PLL policies provide liability coverage for clean-up costs, or third-party claims for bodily injury and property damage arising from losses due to on- or off-site pollution conditions from an owned or operated property. PLL coverage also addresses pollution conditions resulting from transporting wastes or products to sites not owned by the insured.
AIG Passport for PLL is available to address environmental risks in one or more foreign jurisdictions. Foreign PLL policies written through AIG Passport are issued by the locally licensed AIG Company, in compliance with local laws and regulations. Claims are handled by local AIG claims examiners who are supported by a home country claims management team. AIG Passport for PLL is available for new and renewal business.
AIG Passport for PLL is the sixth product using the AIG Passport service. Since September of 2006, AIG has introduced Passport for Directors and Officers Liability, Errors and Omissions (E&O), Excess Casualty, and Fidelity and AIG Global Ambassador.
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