Monday, April 21, 2008

Sweep of San Diego Shops Leads to Citations

California's Labor and Workforce Development Agency announced that Economic Employment Enforcement Coalition (EEEC) investigators issued 41 citations for labor violations – with fines totaling more than $226,000 – in a recent sweep of 28 San Diego auto body businesses.

The enforcement actions, conducted on April 9 and 10 in conjunction with Bureau of Automotive Repair authorities, uncovered serious violations that included:

  • Employment of a minor under the age of 18 without proper permits and certification at one shop;
  • Failure to pay overtime at four shops;
  • Failure to pay minimum wage at two shops;
  • Failure to keep records and post labor notices as mandated by law at 16 shops;
  • Failure to maintain workers’ compensation insurance at 18 shops.

"These shops failed to carry workers’ compensation insurance, and that’s a violation we take very seriously," said EEEC Director David Dorame. "In these cases, we issue work stop orders and send employees home until the business proves an active policy is in place to cover workers. By targeting enforcement against illegal operators, we help level the playing field for law abiding businesses.

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