According to FEMA Regional Administrator Susan Reinertson, they'll not only enjoy reduced flood insurance premiums, but face reduced flood risk as well.
"The CRS rewards communities for implementing programs and policies which protect their citizens from floods. Salem joined the program last May," said Reinertson. "The city's proactive approach to mitigating the threat of flooding allowed Salem to enter the program with a Class 8 rating, saving policy holders ten percent on annual premiums."
Salem Mayor Janet Taylor concurs. "We've worked hard to educate our citizenry on flood risks and floodplain regulations, and to ensure they are familiar with and have access to the latest flood insurance rate maps," said Taylor. "We may not be able to prevent future floods, but we can help protect our citizens from their worst effects. And after all, that's what the CRS is all about."
Flood insurance premium reductions resulting from qualifying community activities run in five percent increments, from five to 45 percent. Class ratings range from Ten to One. The higher the flood protection activity, the lower the Class rating.
Total NFIP coverage in Salem is over $207 million, with average premiums of $824. With 1,023 policies currently in force within the city limits, that's an average savings of approximately $80 per policy.
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