"CaptiveLearning.com will build on the success of captive.com which has served the captive insurance industry since 1995," reports Chris Mancini, CEO of Captive.com LLC. "Captive.com is accessed by some 65,000 visitors monthly, many of whom are thirsty for quality on-demand training. We are excited about taking aim at captive excellence through this venture," she added.
A quickly-growing course catalog began with the first module in a governance series entitled Captive Governance Best Practices. The presenter is John Salisbury, a recently-retired captive CEO. "John was a founding principal of captive.com, and is the architect of the CaptiveLearning.com website. He has a passion for learning and will be actively encouraging others to share their captive expertise by creating courses or presentations to be hosted at CaptiveLearning.com," Mancini commented.
CaptiveLearning.com is designed to:
1. Serve as a training resource devoted to building excellence in captive governance and operations;
2. Provide captive service providers the opportunity to share their knowledge and promote their services;
3. Offer a resource through which captive domiciles can inform and train managers, service providers and staff, adding value to their domicile;
4. Provide cost-effective, on-demand continuing education for captive professionals
Presentations and courses available at CaptiveLearning.com will either be sponsored and available at no cost to participants, or on a pay-per-view basis. Both video/PowerPoint and audio/PowerPoint formats will be used. The learning management platform is robust, including features such as secure online forums, the ability to upload and download course materials, testing capability, certificates of completion, and more.
Two pay-per-view video/PowerPoint presentations are currently available. Kate Westover, a respected authority on captive insurance and author of Captive Practices and Procedures, is the instructor for The Feasibility Study module. This course begins a 10-part series based on Westover's book. The course is a must see for organizations considering captive formation, and those currently developing a captive.
Preparing a Captive Governance Annual Work Plan is the second pay-per-view course available, building on the governance series. John Salisbury is the instructor.
Visit www.CaptiveLearning.com for Membership Information and a video/PowerPoint introduction to CaptiveLearning.com.
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