ASPN (Agency Specialty Product Network Insurance Services, Inc.) has entered into a new marketing relationship with Darwin Professional Underwriters Inc. (Darwin) to heighten awareness of Darwin’s products with independent agents and brokers. Jerry Tegan, president of ASPN, said, “We are extremely excited about our alliance with Darwin. Darwin offers a suite of compelling professional liability and E&O products including managed care E&O, media liability, technology E&O, lawyer’s E&O, hospital professional liability and clinical research E&O coverages. These products are high-quality, competitively designed and priced. All have been developed with input from agents and brokers to ensure that the products reflect the needs of the ultimate client. This alliance is one more way ASPN is helping independent agents and brokers retain and expand business from existing clients, build new client relationships, and bring their servicing capabilities in these specialty niche areas to a whole new level.” Stephen Sills, president of Darwin, adds “Since our founding, Darwin has limited distribution to selected agents and brokers. We are not changing this model, but – through ASPN – we are reaching out to the independent insurance agency system to offer a select group of specialty products that fill a void in the marketplace. We look forward to working with ASPN and in connecting to ASPN’s independent agents and brokers. To ensure that ASPN agents and brokers get the information they need, when they need it, we’ve set up a dedicated toll free number and dedicated email account for ASPN agents and brokers." Call 1-888-587-ASPN (2776) or email:
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