Persons who were affected by the Feb. 5-6 storm and tornadoes in Allen, Christian, Fayette, Hardin, Hart, Meade, Mercer, Monroe and Muhlenberg counties can call 877-245-7200 for legal services. All callers are asked to leave a voicemail message with their contact information, county of residence, and the nature of their legal problem. Messages will be checked Monday through Friday between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Upon receipt, the caller's information will go to a volunteering attorney or one of the following legal organizations in Kentucky:
- Kentucky Bar Association
- American Bar Association's Young Lawyer Division
- The Legal Aid Organization (Kentucky's Volunteer Lawyer Program)
"Sometimes after a disaster, residents face complex issues and need legal advice," said Federal Coordinating Officer Michael Bolch. "FEMA is committed to helping persons in the commonwealth of Kentucky get the help they need to fully recover."
Available services include:
- Help with insurance claims
- Counseling on landlord-tenant and other housing issues
- Assistance with home repair contracts
- Assistance in consumer protection matters, remedies and procedures
- Counseling on mortgage foreclosure problems
- Replacement of wills and other important documents
- Drafting of powers of attorney and other estate administration issues
- Referring individuals to state or local agencies that may be of further assistance
Legal services are available to disaster victims in a fair, nondiscriminatory and equitable way.
Those who suffered damage from the storm and tornadoes are encouraged to register with FEMA by calling 800-621-FEMA (3362) or 800-462-7585 (TTY) for those with speech or hearing impairment. Individuals may also register online at www.fema.gov.
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